
I am not going to vote for Donald J. Trump.   Why you may ask?  Here is why (references at bottom) : The ex-President lie about election results, denied the peaceful transition of power, instigated an insurrection, is a sex offender, a convicted fraud and denigrates others. But that's only the beginning. He is not fit to be president. See below for full list. Interf ered  with the peaceful transfer of power Tried  to  overturn election results with false claims, Election denialism Instig ated  the insurrection Threat  to  our freedoms and basic rights Did not  uphold the Constitution, dereliction of duty Threat  to  national security Abuse  of  power, cronyism Weaken ed our  alliances, wanted to dissolve NATO Misman agement  of Covid response Dismis ses  global climate change Convict ed  felon Sex of fender Misogy nist Fundamental lack of character, insults, demeans others Disrespects loyal civil servants, insults veterans Promot es  hatred and violence Profit

Holy crap..Colbert goes off

This is pretty bruising at the White House Correspondents dinner:

you rang?

Meet Lurch , The new face of the Bush Administration!

Go, Neil Go!

Neil Young: 'Let's Impeach the President'

Bonkers' nose was twitching reading this one

Briton's love of The Clash, Led Zeppelin sparks plane security alert

Now the pigs are in trouble. From the April 6 Drudge Report

"You choo..choo..choo..CHOOSE me??"

- Ralphie, The Simpsons Bush says Iraq faces "moment of choosing"