I am not going to vote for Donald J. Trump.  

Why you may ask?  Here is why (references at bottom):

The ex-President lie about election results, denied the peaceful transition of power, instigated an insurrection, is a sex offender, a convicted fraud and denigrates others. But that's only the beginning. He is not fit to be president. See below for full list.

  1. Interfered with the peaceful transfer of power
  2. Tried to overturn election results with false claims, Election denialism
  3. Instigated the insurrection
  4. Threat to our freedoms and basic rights
  5. Did not uphold the Constitution, dereliction of duty
  6. Threat to national security
  7. Abuse of power, cronyism
  8. Weakened our alliances, wanted to dissolve NATO
  9. Mismanagement of Covid response
  10. Dismisses global climate change
  11. Convicted felon
  12. Sex offender
  13. Misogynist
  14. Fundamental lack of character, insults, demeans others
  15. Disrespects loyal civil servants, insults veterans
  16. Promotes hatred and violence
  17. Profits from money launderers
  18. Dismisses science, facts or earned knowledge
  19. Disrespects loyal civil servants, plans to dismantle federal govt
  20. Leverages conspiracy theories to advance agenda
  21. Fascist rhetoric, does not want dissenting opinions, tries to squelch press
  22. Appeals to people's fears and prejudices
  23. Separates families, supports mass deportations
  24. Poor environmental record
  25. Liar: 30,000+
  26. Lack of substance in his speeches
  27. Relationship to Project 2025


Spreads lies and sows mistrust in our federal institutions

Monday, July 29, 2024

7:31 PM

Evidence that Donald Trump sowed mistrust in federal institutions includes several actions and statements that undermined the credibility of key democratic processes and government agencies.


1. **Election Fraud Claims**: Trump repeatedly made unfounded claims about widespread voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election. Despite being told by his advisors and officials that these claims were false, he continued to promote them, contributing to a significant portion of the public doubting the election's legitimacy. This narrative was a major factor leading to the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, where his supporters attempted to overturn the election results by force [oai_citation:1,Conspiracy and the Undoing of Democracy 2021 - The Constitutionalist](https://theconstitutionalist.org/2021/04/14/conspiracy-and-the-undoing-of-democracy-2021/)


[oai_citation:2,Indictment Details Trum p� Attempt to Overturn Swing State Election Outcomes - FactCheck.org](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/indictment-details-trumps-attempt-to-overturn-swing-state-election-outcomes/)


[oai_citation:3,Trump was determined to stay in power 'at any cost': prosecutors](https://abogado.com.ph/trump-was-determined-to-stay-in-power-at-any-cost-prosecutors/).


2. **Attacks on the Media**: Trump frequently labeled mainstream media outlets as "fake news," particularly those that reported unfavorably about him. This rhetoric was not just a critique of biased reporting but aimed to delegitimize the media as a whole, portraying it as an enemy of the people. This widespread skepticism about the media eroded public trust in one of the key institutions responsible for informing the electorate


[oai_citation:4,Conspiracy and the Undoing of Democracy 2021 - The Constitutionalist](https://theconstitutionalist.org/2021/04/14/conspiracy-and-the-undoing-of-democracy-2021/).


3. **Undermining Government Agencies**: Trump also attacked various federal agencies and their credibility. For instance, he promoted the "Deep State" conspiracy, suggesting that a hidden, unelected bureaucracy within the government was working to undermine his administration. This included unfounded claims against intelligence agencies, the FBI, and other bodies critical to national governance. By questioning their legitimacy, he fostered a sense of mistrust among his supporters towards these institutions


[oai_citation:5,Conspiracy and the Undoing of Democracy 2021 - The Constitutionalist](https://theconstitutionalist.org/2021/04/14/conspiracy-and-the-undoing-of-democracy-2021/)


[oai_citation:6,Indictment Details Trum p� Attempt to Overturn Swing State Election Outcomes - FactCheck.org](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/indictment-details-trumps-attempt-to-overturn-swing-state-election-outcomes/).


4. **Legitimizing Conspiracy Theories**: Trump's endorsement of various conspiracy theories, such as Pizzagate and QAnon, further eroded trust in federal institutions. By giving credence to these outlandish and baseless theories, he helped mainstream extreme and false narratives, which undermined rational discourse and trust in legitimate government functions and officials


[oai_citation:7,Conspiracy and the Undo ing of Democracy 2021 - The Constitutionalist](https://theconstitutionalist.org/2021/04/14/conspiracy-and-the-undoing-of-democracy-2021/).




These actions collectively contributed to a significant decline in public trust in federal institutions, which poses a long-term risk to the functioning of American democracy [oai_citation:8,Why public distrust could prove ‘corrosive� o U.S. democracy | University of Chicago News](https://news.uchicago.edu/story/why-public-distrust-could-prove-corrosive-us-democracy) [oai_citation:9,Conspiracy and the Undoing of Democracy 2021 - The Constitutionalist](https://theconstitutionalist.org/2021/04/14/conspiracy-and-the-undoing-of-democracy-2021/) [oai_citation:10,Indictment Details Trump’s Attempt to Overturn Swing St te Election Outcomes - FactCheck.org](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/indictment-details-trumps-attempt-to-overturn-swing-state-election-outcomes/) [oai_citation:11,Trump was determined to stay in power 'at any cost': prosecutors](https://abogado.com.ph/trump-was-determined-to-stay-in-power-at-any-cost-prosecutors/).







Tried to overturn election results with false claims

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

3:00 PM

Propagates lie that election was stolen when it was proven to be one of the most secure

Important democratic principle: when you lose, you accept the outcome of the decision.


61 of 62 lawsuits had no evidence, no merit



60 trials found no evidence of fraud:



Spread false information about voter fraud



Current status of Georgia interference case





Instigated the insurrection

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

2:08 PM



DC is a special place and Trump should have never allowed the insurrection to occur. During those hours, he never called fo r those people to stop what they were doing and leave peacefully.










Behaviors reverse of what the Bible instructs.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

9:20 AM


Covet thy neighbor

Sex offense




Denigrates others




Threat to national security

Friday, July 26, 2024

8:54 AM

Manipulating Ukraine, documents, compromised by business interests, conflicts of interest


Here are some articles from respected news organizations covering the various issues related to Donald Trump's actions and their potential national security implications:


1. Ukraine Phone Call

An in-depth analysis by *The Independent* explains the implications of Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during which Trump asked for an investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter. This request was viewed as an attempt to solicit foreign interference in a U.S. election, which led to Trump's first impeachment trial

The inside story of the phone call that could see Trump impeached



Trump impeachment: The one sentence in Ukraine call that could bring him down



*Voice of America* provides a summary of the call and the political fallout, detailing how Trump confirmed he ordered a freeze on military aid to Ukraine, linking it to his request for an investigation into the Bidens


Phone Call Summary Shows Trump Asked Ukraine President to Investigate Biden



Confirms He Ordered Freeze of Ukraine Aid Ahead of Call Under Democratic Scrutiny



2. Confidential Documents

While specific recent articles about Trump taking classified documents to Mar-a-Lago weren't covered in the search results, the broader concern about the handling of sensitive information is well documented in various sources, highlighting the risks such actions pose to national security.





3. Business Interests and Conflicts of Interest







Abuse of power, cronyism

Saturday, July 20, 2024

9:53 AM

Use of Government to Hold Onto Power, Using Government Office for Personal Financial Benefit, Cronyism and Patronage, Attacks on the Rule of Law



Alludes to changing/dissolving federal government











Dismisses global climate change

Saturday, July 27, 2024

12:02 PM






There isn't a single definitive document that alone proves the theory of global climate change. Instead, the evidence comes from a vast body of research spanning decades, and it is supported by numerous peer-reviewed studies and comprehensive reports.


1. **NASA and Scientific Consensus**: According to NASA, multiple studies published in peer-reviewed journals show that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. This consensus is supported by nearly all leading scientific organizations worldwide, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Chemical Society [oai_citation:1,Scientific Consensus - NASA Science](https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/scientific-consensus/).


2. **Influential Research Papers**: A landmark paper by Syukuro Manabe and Richard T. Wetherald in 1967 titled "Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere with a Given Distribution of Relative Humidity" is often cited as one of the most influential in the field. This paper introduced the use of computer models to predict the effects of doubling atmospheric CO2 on global temperatures, laying the groundwork for much of modern climate science [oai_citation:2,The most influential climate change papers of all time - Carbon Brief](https://www.carbonbrief.org/the-most-influential-climate-change-papers-of-all-time/).


3. **Comprehensive Reports**: The "Climate Change: Evidence and Causes" report, jointly published by the US National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society, provides a clear summary of the evidence for human-caused climate change. This report outlines how increased concentrations of greenhouse gases from human activities are the primary driver of recent global warming, supported by multiple lines of evidence such as rising temperatures, melting ice, and rising sea levels [oai_citation:3,Climate Change: Evidence and Causes: Update 2020 | The National Academies Press](https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/25733/climate-change-evidence-and-causes-update-2020) [oai_citation:4,Climate change: evidence and causes | Royal Society](https://royalsociety.org/news-resources/projects/climate-change-evidence-causes/basics-of-climate-change/).


For further reading, you can explore the [NASA's climate change consensus page](https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/) and the [Royal Society's "Climate Change: Evidence and Causes"](https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/climate-change-evidence-causes/) report, which provide detailed explanations and summaries of the evidence supporting the theory of global warming.










Fundamental lack of character, insults, demeans others

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

2:03 PM



Insults and demeans others, vilifies others in attempts to demean or demoralize them, empowering others to do same





As President, he needs to be held accountable to a higher standard of conduct.

His conduct does not befit a President of the United States.

Trump needs to take some basic course on ethical conduct.


Holmesian Bad Man (2020)





All opinion is black and white

Narcissist, Office should be about the people and the country; he made it about himself




Trump RUSHED OFF STAGE as Black Reporters GRILL HIM













Promised to weaponize the justice dept, go after enemies

Monday, August 12, 2024

3:18 PM




Dismisses science, facts or earned knowledge

Saturday, July 27, 2024

12:04 PM




Promotes hatred and violence

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

2:30 PM









Citizens should speak to each other as equals, not as enemies (we're citizens together, not dems or republicans)

Don't live policies of hate.

This is a fight for each other.

Fight for mutual respect.













Appeals to people's fears and prejudices

Saturday, July 27, 2024

12:06 PM

dem·a·gogue /p>

a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.






Conversely, fear is only a short term motivator




Profits from money launderers

Saturday, July 20, 2024

9:21 AM

Total amount Donald Trump properties made from clients matching money laundering profiles before 2016: $1.5 billion

- American Kleptocracy: How the U.S. Created the World's Greatest Money Laundering Scheme in History by Casey Michel





Among others in that search result








Separates families, supports mass deportations

Saturday, July 20, 2024

9:29 AM



Donald Trump's 2024 immigration policies emphasize a significant increase in deportations, aiming to remove millions of undocumented immigrants. This plan includes broad measures that would affect various groups, such as Dreamers, long-settled undocumented homeowners, and business owners. Trump’s vision for ma deportation is unsparing and would involve deploying significant resources to detain and deport immigrants across the United States [oai_citation:1,PolitiFact | How viable is Donald Trump’s 2024 immigrati plan?](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/nov/21/how-viable-is-donald-trumps-2024-immigration-plan/) [oai_citation:2,Memo: Trump’s Mass-Deportation Plan is the Central Immig ation Focus of His 2024 Campaign and Should Be Covered That Way - America's Voice](https://americasvoice.org/press_releases/memo-trumps-mass-deportation-plan-is-the-central-immigration-focus-of-his-2024-campaign-and-should-be-covered-that-way/).


Economically, these deportations could have severe repercussions. Removing a substantial portion of the workforce would impact vital industries like agriculture, construction, and healthcare. Estimates suggest that deporting 1 million immigrants could result in 88,000 additional job losses among American citizens, and the overall economic impact could be a reduction in GDP growth by over 9 percentage points [oai_citation:3,Memo: Trump’s Mass-Deportation Plan is the Central Immig ation Focus of His 2024 Campaign and Should Be Covered That Way - America's Voice](https://americasvoice.org/press_releases/memo-trumps-mass-deportation-plan-is-the-central-immigration-focus-of-his-2024-campaign-and-should-be-covered-that-way/).


Legally, implementing such a broad deportation plan could face numerous challenges. While recent Supreme Court decisions have limited the ability of federal courts to issue injunctions in immigration cases, significant legal battles are expected from immigrant-rights groups and Democratic states, as was the case during Trump’s first term [oai_citation:4,PolitiFact | How viable is Don ld Trump’s 2024 immigrati plan?](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/nov/21/how-viable-is-donald-trumps-2024-immigration-plan/).


Trump’s dep rtation policies remain a central focus of his campaign and are supported by key Republican figures, but they are also widely controversial and face significant opposition due to their potential social and economic impacts [oai_citation:5,Memo: Trump’s Mass-Deportation Plan is the Central Immig ation Focus of His 2024 Campaign and Should Be Covered That Way - America's Voice](https://americasvoice.org/press_releases/memo-trumps-mass-deportation-plan-is-the-central-immigration-focus-of-his-2024-campaign-and-should-be-covered-that-way/).




Poor environmental record

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

9:52 AM

Trump environmental policy



Key points:

The environmental policy of the Donald Trump administration represented a shift from the policy priorities and goals of the preceding Barack Obama administration. Where President Obama's environmental agenda prioritized the reduction of carbon emissions through the use of renewable energy with the goal of conserving the environment for future generations,[1] the Trump administration policy was for the US to attain energy independencebased on fossil fuel use and to rescind many environmental regulations.[2] By the end of Trump's term, his administration had rolled back 98 environmental rules and regulations, leaving an additional 14 rollbacks still in progress.[3]


Trump and his cabinet appointees did not believe the consensus of most scientists that climate change will have catastrophic impacts[10] nor that carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to climate change.[11] Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris climate accord, leaving the U.S. the only nation that was not part of the agreement. He avoided environmental discussions at both the 44th G7 summit held in Canada and the 45th G7 summit held in France by departing early from these conferences.[12]







Lack of substance in his speeches

Saturday, July 20, 2024

10:12 AM

"A smorgasbord of falsehoods, personal and professional vendettas, frequent comparisons to other famous people, a couple of handfuls of simple policy ideas, and a lot of non sequiturs that veer into barely intelligible stories."



RNC final night summary








Relationship to Project 2025

Saturday, July 20, 2024

9:26 AM

Project 2025, also known as the 2025 Presidential Transition Project, is an initiative led by the Heritage Foundation, aimed at significantly reshaping the U.S. federal government under a future conservative administration. This initiative is particularly focused on the potential presidency of Donald Trump or another Republican candidate in 2024. The project outlines a comprehensive plan to promote a conservative agenda across all levels of government, emphasizing four main pillars: policy agenda, personnel, training, and a 180-day playbook to implement these changes swiftly.


Key goals of Project 2025 include:


1. **Restoring the family as the centerpiece of American life**: This involves promoting traditional family values and protecting children from what the project views as harmful influences.

2. **Dismantling the administrative state**: The plan seeks to reduce the size and influence of the federal bureaucracy, arguing that it is unaccountable and predominantly liberal. This includes reclassifying many federal civil service positions to replace them with political appointees.

3. **Defending national sovereignty and borders**: This includes a focus on stringent immigration policies and enhancing national security.

4. **Securing individual rights**: The project aims to uphold what it sees as God-given rights, emphasizing religious freedoms and conservative interpretations of constitutional liberties.


The project proposes extensive changes to federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, the Department of Education, and environmental regulations. It advocates for significant cuts to programs like Medicare and Medicaid, reducing funding for climate research, and restructuring health services to align with conservative principles, particularly regarding reproductive rights.


Critics of Project 2025 describe it as a move towards authoritarianism and Christian nationalism, expressing concerns that it would undermine democratic principles, civil liberties, and the separation of church and state [oai_citation:1,Project 2025 - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) [oai_citation:2,A guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration | Media Matters for America](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) [oai_citation:3,What is Project 2025 And Why Is It Alarming? - Democracy Docket](https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/what-is-project-2025-and-why-is-it-alarming/).




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