whither Rudy?

I've been watching for the past week. What the fuck is wrong with both the local and federal govts??!

Everyone knew the storm surge was going to overwhelm the levees on Sunday, yet the local government didn't have a contingency plan for the levees bursting other than to bring people to the Superdome? Holy Crise! Where's Rudy??! Bush didn't send out ships until Wednesday??! What the fuck? Those ships should have been sent out Sunday night. At least compassionate cities like Houston and San Antonio have stepped up to the plate. But what about the corporations? Like GreyHound can't send a few hundred buses to help bus people to these relief cities??! What the hell?!

I gave some money to the Catholic Relief fund, but it is total madness that Bush can throw ALL our money away on IRAQ and not give a shit about the poor folks (and they are poor) who made the unfortunate choice of waiting out the hurricane. These folks paid taxes ALL THEIR LIVES to have no support whatsoever from the govertment.

This is America! We sent aid quicker to Indonesia!


Cacasodo said…
I read that one too. The situation is getting worse. Plus, I just read that pets were not allowed on the evac buses:

ARGH! Even though the people were idjuts for not evacuating, they are Americans and deserve help.

Hope you're doing well, Stevie.

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